Fascination About Freebird rides app
When I first took a look at the shopping genie over a year ago I was not impressed. New users can also get $10 off their first three rides with promo code 3TENBACK. Businesses like bars and restaurants partner with Freebird to acquire customers by reimbursing an Uber or Lyft ride through a cash-back offer for riders that dine or drink in their establishment.
You get additional cash rewards where offered at businesses if you pay with a linked card. There is no limit to the amount of referral bonuses that you can earn for sharing Freebird Rides with your friends and family. There are a lot of apps out there that can save you money or give you some cash back on your everyday spend.
Utilize Freebird to make sure people attend your happy hours, special events, and key nights. Often times, if I'm going somewhere and plan to Uber, I'll see if any restaurants on the Freebird app are nearby and take advantage of the offer. Both businesses are mobility marketplaces: Uber connects drivers and riders while Bird connects scooters and customers.
While it does take between 10-20 rides to cash out $10 it's definitely worth it if you can't drive, like me. But, this wouldn't be a good blog about saving money if we didn't go a step further and find ways to save even more, and even tell you some ways to get Uber free rides.
Even though their scope is specifically Android, we have a lot of interaction between freebird rides promo code all of our teams; mobile apps, site, backend services, and infrastructure. With Uber, if Freebird has the same or a lower fare estimate, the promotional pricing is most likely applied.
So after this I understood that Freebird not only gave you cash back for taking rides with the app but also if you went to certain locations where freebird had offers with the merchant you could get cashback for making purchases at these locations too.