Tai Lopez DSMC
This is a testimonial video where Matt Young, who is a student of Social Media Marketing Agency program of Tai Lopez, shared his achievements to the world to know. Tai seems to have initially starting earning significant sums of money online via a fleet of now-defunct dating websites, some of which were accused of baiting customers with fake profiles of attractive matches ( more on this below ). Tai Lopez is an expert at convincing people he's an expert.
Tai Lopez offers some genuine value and advice, and his courses are legit - though often overpriced. There are many reports online however of Tai's customers having difficulty getting a refund. Tai doesn't mention some of the businesses that he's been associated with on his Linkedin site and there might be good reason for it (Remember in the past he's said that he wants to create a niche social site ).
Tai Lopez mainly makes money online by selling online courses. It would be a good way to start your own social media agency if a so-called social media agency existed. Tai Lopez business model and behavior is not on my list to try or even recommend to try. If you don't like it, just ask for a refund via clickbank and you're set to go. The people who complain about Tai Lopez scamming their money don't know how to follow directions.
Social media is the fastest growing marketing platform we have today. The final step is to refer them to a social media marketing agency and receiving a $5,000 finder's fee. He makes his program sound like it's so solid, professional, and well put together, but it's really crappy, you're really really better off just finding a few relevant things for yourself with a youtube search.
I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS FOR ANYONE WHO WANTS TO SAVE THEIR TIME, GET REAL tai lopez EDUCATION, AND KNOWLEDGE AND BETTER THIS BUSINESS. Tai has shot and broadcast numerous videos from that house over the years. It may be true that some of this content is available, in some form, for free online if you spend enough time looking, but the course should be considered as a whole.
Well, according to AdWeek, Tai's video didn't even crack the top 10 most watched video campaigns in 2015 , racking up less views than ads for the likes of Budweiser, Durex, and Clash of Clans. There's different types of business consulting, but it's starting to spread into social media.
Tai Lopez markets his Social Media Marketing Program pretty well and I give him props for that. You don't need to have experience working as a social media marketing consultant. If you lose traffic, look at the pages that dropped, the search queries that you aren't ranking for anymore, and go and adjust your content or create new content that answers the questions people are looking for.